Why Join 50 LinkedIn Groups?

Every time we conduct our LinkedIn or LeftOut workshops, we suggest (insist) on everyone joining 50 groups and, if possible, 50 sub-groups. Those words are usually met with an "are you kidding" look. Sorry. We're not kidding.

Groups are great for a variety of reasons.
  • They provide you with an easier avenue to connect with a person with similar interests.
  • They provide you with the chance to be a thought leader and a Top Contributor affording you "celebrity" status and unimaginable P.R.
  • They give you access to great conversations and the potential for developing business relationships.

But, here's the secret: most people don't know this, but you can send a message to anyone in the group and you don't have to be connected to them to do so. Yes, you can directly communicate with anyone in any group in which you are a member. This is huge!

Messaging someone you're not connected to is typically thought of as a Premium Plan function using InMail. That's true, although not 100% true. Join 50 Groups NOW and be able to communicate with virtually anyone you think may be a business prospect or at least a person of interest. Have you used this relatively unknown tool? Has it been productive? Drop me a note. I'd love to hear from you.

Contributed by Ira Bass of Connect for Success

Written By

Larry Hart

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