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Page: 7
Elephant, Monkey, Or Mouse: What Should You Be Concerned About Most as a Leader?
We've all heard of the elephant in the room and getting a monkey off our back, but what about that pesky mouse that darts in and out of your work e...
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It's Not Them, IT'S YOU!: Stop Micromanaging and Start Leading
"Good managers are brave, and generous with trust in their people." - Scott Berkun, An Open Letter to Micromanagers Micromanaging is an easy trap...
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How To Be The Boss From Hell
I have to admit that I don't run into many of these type of leaders in recent years. Perhaps it is a sign that leaders are: Not being promoted un...
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Is It Time To Free Their Future? What To Do When Conflict Cannot Be Aligned
"Where all think alike, no one thinks very much" - Walter Lippmann Here's a quick pop quiz for you: True or False: Conflict results from a differ...
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Top 10 Tips For An Agile Culture - Part 3
In the first installment of our article series on creating an agile culture, we focused on building a foundation of core values that rested on agil...
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Choose Your Words Carefully: Negative Words Impact Your Results
"Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another." Napoleon ...
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Top 10 Tips For An Agile Culture - Part 2
In the first article in this series, we highlighted how critical it is to foster a culture of agility in modern organizations. In this second artic...
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Delegation Vs. Abdication: How Do Your Managers Approach Assigning Responsibility?
"I don't have a problem with delegation. I love to delegate. I'm either lazy enough, or busy enough, or trusting enough, or congenial enough, that ...
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