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Page: 53
Are Your Employees Trying to "Game the System"?
Recently, students in a computer science class at Johns Hopkins took an interesting approach to their final exam. Instead of cramming all night, th...
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Making Time To Think Isn't Enough. Insights From A Leader's Must-Read: Thinking for a Change
"I insist on a lot of time being spent, almost every day, to just sit and think." Warren Buffett The "Oracle of Omaha" is famous for his nearly em...
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Don't Forget to Put Some 'Alone Time' in Your Calendar
Frequently we hear people say their best thinking is in the shower. Is it any wonder why? It should come as no surprise that we do our best thinkin...
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Find Your Own Seasonal Rhythm As A Leader
The upcoming holiday season is a good time to relax and enjoy the company of friends and family - but is it a good time to try and get things accom...
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Using The Eisenhower Principle To Manage Priorities
In my last article, I wrote about setting priorities as one of the critical tasks that successful people do. Now, how do we organize tasks efficien...
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Why Managing Time As A CEO Is Like Riding A Bicycle
If you feel the tension of a tug-of-war between your professional and personal lives, you're not alone. All of us have demands outside work, even a...
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Solidifying Habit Through Ritual
Just like "abracadabra," "habit" is a magic word. And, like magic, habits have transformational powers that can build us up, or take us down. Vi...
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Why Am I Doing What I'm Doing? Finding True Purpose
"...In practically every human being, and certainly in almost every newborn baby, there is an active will towards health, an impulse towards growth...
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