Our Blog

Page: 52
ROC: Valuing Return On Character
How many of us have worked for, or alongside, an individual who exhibits manipulative, selfish or dishonest tendencies? Have you wondered how it is...
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Taking A Carefrontational Approach To A Tough Situation
No one ever said every day at the office would be a picnic. Companies at some point in their existence experience financially challenging periods t...
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Understanding The Difference Between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty
Recently a friend was doing his taxes with an online service. When he finished, a survey popped up on his computer screen asking: How satisfied are...
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A Leaders Work: Caring For the Customer Interface
Customers deliver the final verdict on the profitability and success of any company. They decide, and their vote carries the weight of their wallet...
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Three Steps to Ensure Your Direct Reports Understand Your Expectations
Look before you leap. A stitch in time saves nine. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Beware life lessons that can be simplified into o...
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Want to Define Your Corporate Culture? Look At Staff Behavior
Let's demystify corporate culture. It's not an elusive or indefinable force within your organization. As David Friedman, author of Fundamentally Di...
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How to Choose the Right Attitude?
Do you believe that attitude is everything? If you don't, perhaps you should. An attitude can make the difference between happiness and despair, su...
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How Often Should Leaders "Walk the Floor"?
Al Weatherhead, former CEO of Weatherhead Industries, made a point of visiting his factory floor every day. The highly profitable company manufactu...
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