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Page: 43
The Anchoring Effect: Is it Really the Best Method for Winning Every Argument?
While the goal of mediation is to allow parties to resolve conflict and develop mutually beneficial solutions, it's natural to seek an edge, an adv...
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Loss Aversion: Is the Fear of Loss Preventing Gain? Scotland - A Case Study
You walk up to the blackjack table with $50 in chips. What's the goal of your first bet? To win money. You bust, and now you're down $50. Do you wa...
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How to Prepare and Practice for Negotiation
Whether you are trying to resolve a workplace conflict, get a raise, purchase a home, or choose a vacation destination with your spouse, the key to...
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4 Ways to Practice Your Negotiating Skills
A LinkedIn survey found that, when it comes to negotiations, we're a mess. Twenty-five percent have never negotiated in the workplace; only 37 perc...
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3 Easy Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills Today
The youngest infants are able to communicate their needs and wants - for food, for comfort, for warmth. And they do so quite effectively!  Iro...
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5 Reasons to Strive for Win-Win Negotiations
The idea of zero-sum games is that every gain is offset by loss: there is a winner and a loser. When something takes, something else has to give. T...
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Stop Attacking The Symptoms of Disengagement: Go To The Root Cause
You want employees to be satisfied and engaged in their work so they are using their full abilities to do the appropriate work in your organization...
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Are Your Managers Prepared to Manage?
A common issue with preparing managers is the fact that there isn't sufficient attention given to the particular skill set and knowledge managers n...
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