Our Blog

Page: 40
Is Loss Aversion Keeping You From Realizing Gains in Negotiations?
While a fallen hero, Lance Armstrong perfectly describes the theory of loss aversion: "I like to win, but more than anything, I can't stand this id...
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What is BATNA - and Why Do You Use It?
Say you need to purchase materials for your business from a supplier; it's an emergency - you needed these supplies yesterday, and you cannot wait ...
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Slow is Fast: Overcoming Resistance and Implementing Change
"Future shock is the shattering stress and disorientation that we induce in individuals by subjecting them to too much change in too short a time."...
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Business Growth Dilemma: Can You Make the Transition from Founder to CEO?
"Success makes founders less qualified to lead the company and changes the power structure so they are more vulnerable." Noam Wasserman, Harvard Bu...
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Three Steps To Overcoming Resistance In Negotiations
"When your opponent has dug in his heels, successful communicators know that this is the time to step into his shoes." Liz Simpson, Harvard Busines...
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The Cinergy Model for Conflict Management
As a professional, it's nice to stumble upon someone in your field who really gets it, who is committed to and passionate about our work. Through L...
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Want Solutions For Complex Problems? Tackle The Root Causes
"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." HL Mencken In the face of staggering complexity, it's perhaps o...
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French Hours: 4 Tips To Help Your Team Nail Urgent Projects
"We have to live life with a sense of urgency so not a minute is wasted."Les Brown Croissants. Cabernet Sauvignon. Brie. French fries. All great...
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