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Wish You Were Happier at Work? Stop Wishing and Start Reading
"Take a job that you love. You will jump out of bed in the morning."  ...Warren Buffett Most of us have been sold a false bill of goods. Find...
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Grit: Turning Setbacks into Success
In 1869, the English anthropologist Francis Galton reported the findings from his study of eminent judges, statesmen, scientists, poets, musicians,...
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Must-Read Strategies To Avoid Burnout And Improve Work/Life Integration
"Burn out is nature's way of telling you you've been going through the motions. Your soul has departed; you're a zombie, a member of the walking de...
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5 Ways Great Leaders Inspire Others
While in South America to learn polo, Blake Mycoskie accompanied a woman working for a non-profit organization into rural Argentina. Their mission...
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Does Your Organization Need To Learn To Learn?
"I am still learning." Michelangelo at age 87 The pace of change in business is more rapid today than any other time in history, and those advan...
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Adapt or Die
Charles Darwin based his theory of evolution on the principle. It determines which organizations thrive and which don't survive. And last night i...
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How Three Circles Can Help You Understand Underperformers
"There is something that is much more scarce, something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognize ability." - Robert Half When a promisin...
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It's Up To YOU To Define Leadership
"Control is not leadership; management is not leadership. Leadership is leadership." Dee Hock, founder and CEO emeritus, Visa But what is leadersh...
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