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Page: 4 / Category: Strategy
Clarity, Focus, Execution: Key Management Techniques
"There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them... A man must constantly exceed his level." Bruce Le...
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The Unique and Critical Role of the CEO
Across all sectors and industries, CEOs face tremendous pressure. They're often expected to create more profit with fewer resources and deliver mor...
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Loss Aversion: Is the Fear of Loss Preventing Gain? Scotland - A Case Study
You walk up to the blackjack table with $50 in chips. What's the goal of your first bet? To win money. You bust, and now you're down $50. Do you wa...
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Consumer Psychology: How the Senses Impact the Buying Brain
"The brain makes behavior. Every millisecond of every day, the brain creates your world and the world of your consumers. It alone decides what's im...
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Subconscious Mind Power: Are You Selling to the Female Brain?
"Human brains process much of their sensory input subconsciously. This is, of course, counterintuitive because we can't think about how we think wh...
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Want to Add Value to Your Organization? Become a Thought Leader
"Creativity is the new currency, so, are you credited with new thoughts or overdrawn in old thinking?" Onyi Anyado, entrepreneur, author, and coach...
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Suffering from Founder's Syndrome? 4 Steps to a Cure
As startups work to find their footing, entrepreneurs need to have firm hands on the reins. They guide every aspect of the business, from sales to ...
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How To Successfully Transition From Entrepreneur To Leader
Congratulations! You have built your business and revenues are rolling in. The question now becomes: are your earnings the same as they were last y...
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