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Page: 5 / Category: Leadership
Strategies for Dealing with a Nightmare Negotiator
Jim Camp is a financial negotiator who has helped people deal with the US IRS for over two decades. He says, "My first tip is that the worst person...
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Falling for the Anchoring Effect? How to Avoid This Negotiation Trap
The anchoring effect is a powerful psychological force in which we rely too heavily on the first information we receive. Even if we're aware that w...
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Is Loss Aversion Keeping You From Realizing Gains in Negotiations?
While a fallen hero, Lance Armstrong perfectly describes the theory of loss aversion: "I like to win, but more than anything, I can't stand this id...
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What is BATNA - and Why Do You Use It?
Say you need to purchase materials for your business from a supplier; it's an emergency - you needed these supplies yesterday, and you cannot wait ...
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Three Steps To Overcoming Resistance In Negotiations
"When your opponent has dug in his heels, successful communicators know that this is the time to step into his shoes." Liz Simpson, Harvard Busines...
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3 Tips For Effective Meetings That'll Keep Your People Awake
"If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would b...
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Why You Should Ban Committees in Your Organization
As a consultant, I am invited into many organizations, and the number of committees I encounter these days astounds me. On one hand, I am an absolu...
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The Anchoring Effect: Is it Really the Best Method for Winning Every Argument?
While the goal of mediation is to allow parties to resolve conflict and develop mutually beneficial solutions, it's natural to seek an edge, an adv...
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